
1969届毕业生 50th Reunion and Green and Gold Guard Induction

Jacksonville University classmates and key University leadership met for brunch to celebrate the 1969届毕业生 50th reunion during 同学会 & 家庭周末 2019. To honor this milestone, President Tim Cost ’81 inducted the 1969届毕业生 into the exclusive Green and Gold Guard.

Saturday, October 19 AT 10 AM at Negaard Rowing Center on JU's Campus

Other 1969 class events on Friday, October 18 included campus tours, the Parade of 大学 and the President’s Welcome Reception at the newly constructed Frisch Welcome Center. Immediately following brunch on Saturday, the 1969届毕业生 joined fellow alumni, families, students and fans at Saturday on the St. Johns until kickoff. 的 1969届毕业生 was recognized during halftime on the D.B. Milne Field as the Dolphins took on the Davidson Wildcats.

Your Reunion 志愿者s

Thank you to the 1969届毕业生 50th reunion volunteers!

  • 吉姆·丹尼尔斯69年
  • Blanca (Faber) Dominguez '69
  • Carolyn Munro Wilson '69, '77, '89

为 reunion information or volunteer opportunities, please contact (904) 256-7202 or alumni@fivethousand.net.

Connect with classmates and get updated reunion information by joining the Class of 1969 group on Facebook.

Join the Facebook Group

Photos From Your 50th Reunion

View photos from 同学会 & 家庭周末 2019, including the 1969届毕业生 50th 团聚的早午餐



  • Dale Anderson '69
  • Linda Berry Stein ‘69
  • Walker Blanton '69
  • 8月R. Burrichter 69
  • 吉姆·丹尼尔斯69年
  • Blanca (Faber) Dominguez '69
  • Bruce Dufrene '69
  • Andrea Hulbert '69
  • Frank Lentine '69
  • 朱迪·曼尼斯69年
  • Robert George Schmidt '69
  • Clayton Smith II '69
  • Charlotte Taylor '69
  • Allen Tesche '69
  • Francine (Gombos) Tesche '69
  • Carolyn Munro Wilson '69, '77, '89

Green and Gold Guard Members

  • Faith Connors MAT '80
  • 上校. Tracy Connors '61
  • Patricia Parrish '67
  • Pam Robbins '69/'77
  • Elizabeth Truitt '60
  • 托德·瓦特67年


  • Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne
  • Joan Carver, 为mer Professor
  • Artis Gilmore '71
  • Ronald Willacker '95

We look forward to seeing you at future Green & Gold Guard 团聚!

1969 Digital Yearbook

Take a stroll down memory lane and check out the 1969届毕业生 Digital Yearbook!



Give Back with the 1969届毕业生

You may wish to recognize JU's role in your life by helping other students as they join the Dolphin family. Since graduation, your class has collectively given nearly $10,000,000. Please consider making a gift towards the class goal of $10,000,000, creating a lasting legacy in the JU community.

How to become an elite member of the 传统社会

First include Jacksonville University in your estate plan by:

  • Remembering JU in your will or as beneficiaries of your Trust;
  • Listing JU as a 受益人 of a retirement account;
  • Indicating JU as a 受益人 of a life insurance policy;
  • Establishing a Charitable Remainder Trust or a Charitable Lead Trust with JU as a 受益人. 

的n complete your estate plan or planned gift by letting us know so that we may honor your support, and invite you to special events for our supporters and friends.

Learn more about the 传统社会

为 more information, or to join the 传统社会,请联系:
Associate Vice President of Development
电子邮件地址  lredd@fivethousand.net
Telephone number  (904) 256-7882