
The 海洋科学 Institute (MSRI) is responsible for cutting-edge research on the 国民的健康和地位. Johns River and marine ecosystems. 协调的主要项目 通过该研究所包括 Fisheries Independent Monitoring Program (this program provides data for The Florida Fish and 野生动物 Conservation Commission and other fisheries managers to regulating Florida’s biological resources), The River Report Card Project is an ongoing collaborative effort by 杰克逊维尔大学 and University of North Florida to assess health and status indicators from water chemistry and habitat to endangered and threatened species of the St. 约翰河, ongoing Manatee Protection Planning and River Status 报告 consist of monthly updates to the City of Jacksonville Waterways Commission on many issues arising on County waterways, including off shore waters, from dredging to reef restoration, 高中海事 & 环境教育计划 (Duval County Public 学校) and the Department of 海洋科学 and its 正在进行的研究机会.​

Rescue Team Disentangles Dolphin Calf in Upper St. 约翰的河

什么: a rescue team assembled early this morning (7am) to rescue and disentangle a dolphin calf swimming with a reddish-orange object wrapped around it's head, near the dorsal 鳍

地点: 杰克逊维尔,上大街. John’s River, east side of Blount Island

救援总结: A team consisting of 40 people, using 7 boats found the dolphin at approximately 11am. The dolphin mom and calf were swimming with a larger pod of dolphins. 团队等待着 for an opportunity to separate the pair from the group and move into shallower waters. Rescuers set the net around the mom/calf and removed what we now know was a aerobie (similar to a frisbee)from around the calf's head. 一位兽医对两者进行了评估, treated the calf's wound with some antibiotics and determined that the dolphin could 被放回野外. Then, at approximately 11:30, both were released together. The pair swam off together and rejoined their pod. It is important to note, the aerobie was cutting into the dolphin's body so without removal as the dolphin calf grows this could have created a potentially life threatening situation for this animal.

参与机构: United States Navy, Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Florida Fish & 野生动物 Conservation Commission, Jacksonville Zoo, NOAA Fisheries, Volusia County, Jacksonville University, University of North Florida, Hubbs SeaWorld 研究 Institute, Georgia Aquarium Dolphin Conservation Field Station

To report a sick, injured, or dead marine mammal, immediately call the Southeast Region Stranding Network 24-hour hotline: 1-877-WHALE HELP (1-877-942-5343).


Dr. Gerry Pinto and the 海洋科学 研究生s recently set~up (3) 7ft diameter circular tanks which holds 750 gals ~ soon to be stocking Hybrid Striped Bass !



Experimental or descriptive research, primary literature review, scholarship or creative activity in any academic field undertaken by Freshman, Sophomore, or Junior undergraduate students enrolled at 杰克逊维尔大学. We have the potential to fund several awards depending on the number and quality of proposals received.


Any undergraduate student (traditional day and evening ADP) with a minimum of one full year remaining at JU when they apply for funding to ensure that they will be enrolled during the Student 研究 Symposium at the end of the project.


Submit a 5 - 10 page double-spaced description of the project (page limit includes images, graphs, diagrams and tables) to Dr. Lee Ann Clements (Chair, 本科 研究基金委员会; lclemen@fivethousand.net ). The proposal should be submitted electronically as an MS Word document, 12 point, Times Roman, Arial or Calibri font, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins. 完成 Signature Page is Required (paper copy or scanned)!!!-请参阅所附文档了解更多信息 details

Fundable costs (including but not limited to):

  • Travel to and from libraries, collecting sites, studios or laboratories
  • Materials and supplies consumed by the project
  • Small items of equipment ($75 -- $500) – equipment is the property of Jacksonville University at the completion of the project.
  • 复印
  • 调查成本
  • 软件
  • Travel to regional or national meeting to present results


  • Presentation of results at the Student 研究 Symposium 
  • 向NCUR提交摘要