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的 Veteran BSN program from the 凯温护理学院 presents 道德上的损伤.

U支持的活动.S. Dept of 健康 and Human Services, HRSA Grant No. UF1-HP26485-01-00. Sponsored by 退伍军人 Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program (VBSN).


作者:Lynnette Kennison博士.D., APRN/Associate Professor and Veteran BSN Program Director (2017年4月20日)

Moral injury has been described as a deep sense of transgression including feelings of shame, grief and meaninglessness from a violation of core moral beliefs (牧师. 丽塔 Nakashima Brock and Gabriella Lettini). This topic is not easily addressed, however, on April 6, 2017, this signature wound affecting this generation of veterans was addressed 在杰克逊维尔大学.

I was privileged to be a part of a panel devoted to helping those who may suffer from 道德上的损伤 and to help friends and family members better understand the devastating effect that 道德上的损伤 can have on loved ones.

Often mistaken for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, 道德上的损伤 is most often characterized as a “soul wound” which is not readily seen unless the bearer of 道德上的损伤 is willing 与他人分享. In an effort to expand awareness of this condition experienced by veterans and military personnel, as well as first responders such as law enforcement, fire fighters, and also  everyday people, it is our pleasure to share this program through the links posted below. It is hoped that your participation will increase your personal awareness of this soul wound.




Cecilia Yocum获得博士学位.D. in psychology from Ohio State University in 1978. She has over 35 years of experience working with individuals, families, communities 专业团体. Dr. Yocum has also worked overseas with community-based trauma healing programs that included ex-combatants in Rwanda, Burundi, and Colombia, as 朋友和平队的一员.

Dr. Yocum has been actively involved with Alternatives to Violence Project workshops at Coleman Federal Correctional Institution for many years. 她曾是董事会成员 of the Florida Center for Survivors of Torture. In 2006, she received the "Outstanding Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest" award from the Florida Psychological 协会. She is currently serving on the Council of Representatives of the American 心理协会.

This video is 51 minutes and 52 seconds long.

坳(Ret.Lynnette Kennison博士.D.

Dr. Kennison is a tenured professor of 凯温护理学院, faculty for eleven years 在杰克逊维尔大学. She primarily teaches mental health courses to graduate 执业护士学生. 2013年至今. Kennison has been the Program Director for a grant submitted to 健康 资源 and Services Administration for 退伍军人 BSN (VBSN).

This video is 16 minutes and 9 seconds long.

牧师(上校)Anthony P. 克拉克

牧师(上校)安东尼. 克拉克 serves as the Command Chaplain for the Florida 陆军和空军国民警卫队. His thirty years of uniformed service includes enlisted service in the Military Intelligence Corps, training as a Chaplain Candidate and twenty years of experience as a Chaplain in the Florida Army National Guard.

This video is 27 minutes and 25 seconds long.

杰弗里牧师,L. 史密斯,米.Div.

A disabled veteran, 牧师erend Jeffrey L. 史密斯,米.Div.他花了几个月的时间 attempting to design and begin a 道德上的损伤 Support Group consisting of 退伍军人 and persons who serve the veteran population in Jacksonville using a twelve step Moral Development Group model developed at the Brite Divinity School in Ft. 价值,TX. 的 moral injury group failed to attract sufficient number of veterans to participate 就这样结束了.

牧师. Smith continues to serve on the Executive Committee of and trainer for Paws4Vets PTS/MTS Centers, Wilmington, NC and speaks to groups about the reality of 道德上的损伤 在全球网络赌博平台的退伍军人中.

This video is 15 minutes and 42 seconds long.


All four of our speakers joined us on stage for a Q&一个会话. 这个视频是20分钟 49秒长.


Thank you to Rex Polanis, owner and senior editor of drawing In Media, LLC, for creating these videos of our program. 可以联系到雷克斯 rex@drawn-in-media.com or (904) 327-5101.